Coworking Copernico

Real estate - Coworking Copernico

Replacement of mechanical systems, lighting and fixtures


For Copernico, Genera has been in charge of the energy retrofit interventions of the premises in Torino Corso Valdocco. The operation has led the whole substitution of the mechanical equipment, the lighting and the fixtures.

Genera realized a high-performance technology integrated set: direct expansion air-conditioning system by one of the best players of the market, high-quality fixtures, low-energy lighting plant, installation of Building Management System which controls the functioning plants of the rooms and the meeting halls according to the actual attendance. This system allows to maintain environmental comfort efficiently and to reduce the energy waste.

Coworking Copernico
Annual saving
  • CO<sub>2</sub> saving CO2 Emissions
    355 Ton
  • Electricity saving Electricity

Type of contract: Energy Performance Contract

Duration of the contract: 12 years

Energy consumption ante-operam:
590 MWhe – 142.500 Sm3

Energy consumption post-operam:
340 MWhe – 0 Sm3 

Natural gas saving: 100%